Thursday, February 26, 2009

Eat (like) Me

This recession is a pain in the ass. I can't explain how I make the same amount of money I did six months ago, but the money isn't enough. How the fuck does that happen? Recessions are fucking weird.

Anway - I got creative and found some really interesting shit online. One, I would like to share.

TGI Fridays is just about giving their food away, taking some shit down to $5.99 a plate ... and ON TOP OF THAT, following the likes of payless and going BOGO. (I am ignoring the whole eating and shoes link.)

This coupon expires on March 1 - so, print it and go hang out with the girls (or bois). But for the love of GOD ... don't whip out this fucking coupon on a date, ok? Trust me (and I'm talking to YOU, yes - YOU), just pay the fucking bill and don't even flinch ... cuz your date is WORTH it remember? Dont make me republish my last post and talk about you ............

If you tell them JACK sent you, nothing will happen. I just was so excited about the damn coupon that I'm blogging about it.