Friday, April 17, 2009

Keep fuckin' w/ me ...

I remember it well, the day my roommate during the summer of 1996 told me that I was arrogant. It was really the first time I considered it, and he was so right. My self esteem was through the roof, but it really did cross lines. I took steps to remedy that ... to bring my self esteem to normal proportions and not feel the need to display it and ensure that people knew it by my treating them like inferiors. It was good for me.

Now, don't get me wrong - I'm still great and I'll still tell you ... LMAO ... but I don't need to flaunt it or be it at the expense of others. I've really toned it down. Becoming a dad and a man in my 30's ... yuh, I really don't have the energy it takes to invest in ensuring other people see me as spectacular. Quite frankly, I don't give a fuck - where's my couch?

But there's this one asshole at my job - LAWD. HAVE. MERCY. His self image perceives him to be way, way, WAY above his actual station and he's the one I have to work on this database conversion project with. He really thinks he can speak to me any way he wants to ... and hides behind his "director" title. Like, since I'm just a "manager" I'm supposed to let him speak to me any which way?

Oh, honey. No.

Furthermore, he wants to hide behind all this technical jargon as if I don't know some fucking IT terminology. So, he wants to start this email conversation copying the President to totally misrepresent what the fuck he and I discussed.

Really now? Ok, it's on. I politely replied, correcting him. And he came over to just talk it out. And then he send another email copying the President to recap our discussion, AGAIN misrepresenting what we decided. Essentially, he doesn't want to do the fucking work and is trying to sell the notion that what I want is IMPOSSIBLE.

(An aside - I did this same fucking project before at my last job ... and we did it ... so I know it's possible)

So, I put it in writing again - that's not what we discussed, and that's not what I'm asking for ... blah blah blah.

Amazingly, he's back to working on the project today and being nice to me.

Bitch, please. Don't play with me. You's about to find out what a pissed, gay, eloquent Puerto Rican sounds like ...


Dave Van Buren said...

you gotta love office politics.

why.not? said...