Thursday, February 25, 2010

100 Percenter

I've taken to doing some self talk - because, quite frankly, there's just a lot of nonsense out there. And I can really get pissed off in a hot minute ... ok? And no one's gonna control that shit if I don't.

Like today - when my boss pissed me off to no end. I find myself constantly picking up the pieces for him, and foreshadowing shit for him and trying to help him stay ahead of shit because in the end it all falls on me anyway. I'm really tired of it - and today I was at wits end and I could feel the tears welling up behind my eyes.

But, my mantra: He did not give me my joy ... and he cannot take it away.

That's it - I work too hard to let another man have my joy. Hell no. Whether in business, in life, in love ...

Ain't no man give me my joy - and can't no man take it away.

I've got me a plan and I"m sticking to the plan and I'm giving it my all ... had a little boo hoo time, Y YA! I'm over it. It's behind me - back to the plan. 52 days without a cigarette. The rest of my life yet to go ...


The Jaded NYer said...

Is this what happens when you give up vices? Hmmm...I may have to try it (minus the Mariah Carey music, of course! lol)

JACK said...

I don't recommend self talk for you, though - them bitches in your head will start talking back!

It's ok that you don't like Mariah - it's that you're not really one of The Gays.


If they control your emotions Jack they control you. Don't let it happen...
We've all been there before and had to overcome this. The good thing is that its now in your past.