Monday, March 15, 2010

Please, oh please, oh please, oh PLEASE

It looks like this thing will eventually become reality. I do love Chicago, the big city feel and the hustle and bustle and the big buildings and the "I'm so alive" feeling. But, being here and not LIVING here is a pain in the dick. I mean, I can't tell you how much money I shell out for the privilege of owning a house in Indianapolis and renting a room in Chicago and driving back and forth between the two.

Indianapolis is pretty in its own right, and although I don't particularly like it there as much as I like it in Chicago - that's where my babies are and I need to come on back home.

I have been sending out resumes for several weeks now, a few of them just yesterday. It looks good that I'll get an interview with my alma mater (I'm listed as "interviewing" in my candidate profile, even though they haven't called me) and just today I received two phone calls for two other positions. I'm praying I get at least one job offer out of this and I'm posting to ask my blog family to hope, pray, meditate or whatever it is you happen to do ... and hope, pray, meditate or whatever my way there.

Keeping my fingers crossed,



The Jaded NYer said...

I was only going to sacrifice this here chicken, but I need that for something else. This goat, however, looks ripe for the killi...err...sacrificing.

You WILL be getting the job you need to bring you back home. The goat says so.

gee said...

the job is yours!

Tim said...

You know that what is meant for you will be given to you.

With that said, you got the job just have to believe it and have faith.

Stay Blessed.


I'm praying you get the job my friend. I'm sure you will. It will work out. Stay encouraged.

JACK said...

Thanks for all the well wishes, family. I really appreciate it. The interview didn't go as well as I hoped, and I'm probably not going to get called in for a face-to-face ... and at this hour I'm ok with that. I was upset with me at first, but then I realized that I want what's for me - not what's for somebody else. So, if I don't get called in - then so be it.

But over all - I blame Jaded for not choosing the goat over the chicken. I'm a get her ...