Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Is it time to repent?

Again, I don't usually post two in one day, but I felt compelled (again). Thanks to the National Hurricane Center for the above picture. I am convinced that some higher power is making our country pay for electing an administration riddled with pious, self-centered assholes committed to the Bush family's personal agenda. (I'm classy, using pious and assholes in the same sentence)

I was convinced a couple of years ago when those three hurricanes pummeled Florida in one month that it was Karma's way of fucking them up for not knowing how to vote (What was it Hurricanes Charlie, Jeanne and Wilma or some shit? I can't keep track anymore) in 2000, but now I'm convinced that Karma is forging a larger spread attack on the US as a whole to teach us not to spend all our damn money on a stupid, dumb ass war abroad when we could really use the money domestically, like in Louisianna because of Gustav, or in Florida, or South Carolina, or [insert coastal state here] ... or on repairing a broken education system, or on the homeless problem, or on a broken social security system, or hell, on potholes even! God help us if we can't get it right and reelect the republicans. Karma got more than hurricanes - tsunamis, earthquakes, tornadoes ... she's got a lot at her disposal and I may have to be the first Puerto Rican to flee the United States to seek refuge in Guadelajara.


T. R Xands said...

Pfft, let's meet up on the border...not that I have to worry about hurricanes, it's the EFFECTS of the damn hurricanes. We might as well get the wind too, come on.

If you'll allow me a stupid analogy, hurricanes--like cars--know when you have some "extra" money so they wreck havoc on your ass because you can supposedly pay for it. When in truth you totally can't. Soooo tropical storms/hurricanes are some punk bitches and I really feel for the people caught in them (well, the ones caught up in it not by their choice).

JACK said...

I feel bad for them too - except for that dumb mother fucker who went kite surfing. SMH

Dave Van Buren said...

I repent nothing!!!! and I'll scream it from atop my gold plated hummer sitting on 30" spinning rims. Only stopping to sell drugs to the local white kids in front of Billy goat tavern... lol

JACK said...

OMG - LMAO @ dave. Excellent call back, sir.

dwashington314@gmail.com said...

hey Jack! I'm pretty impressed by your blog too!

Let's play linksies!

JACK said...

well, HELLO THERE dwashington.

Oh wait - you meant put each other on each other's blogroll. My bad.

The Jaded NYer said...

nu-uh, fool- you ain't going to Guadalajara without me so you'd better wait for me carajo!!!

JACK said...

@ jaded: I will have a layover in NYC and pick you up. We might wanna step up out Tequila game between now and then ...